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Welcome to our Learning Hub – your cozy corner for dating insights and tips! On this page, we've curated some of our favorite dating advice and romance gurus to help you on your dating journey.

Because, let's be real, even the savviest daters hit roadblocks now and then. Our hope is that these bits of advice can help you overcome those dating challenges. Whether you're just stepping into the dating scene, actively dating, or striving to grow your relationships - we've got content for daters at every stage.

And hey, we're not just here to share; we're here to learn together. Found some content that struck a chord? Our inbox is always open! Pass it on to hi@luvvlydating.com, and our team will do its best to share it with our community.

Here's to happy learning and even happier dating. 🖤

Self Discovery

How well do you really know yourself? Why does it matter in dating?

Let’s start with Step 1: Figuring Out “You”.

Here's the dating truth: The better you know yourself, the clearer your path is to finding someone who actually “fits” you. We’ve gathered a list of quizzes and programs to help you uncover the layers of your own complexity and psyche first. You'll gain insights that not only make you more confident and self-assured, but also help you fine-tune what you really desire in a partner. You’ll be better equipped to recognize the person who aligns with your values, desires, and aspirations. So dive into these links with curiosity and enthusiasm. Your journey to love and self-discovery begins now. 

Dr. Peterson's “Understand Myself” Assessment
The Understand Myself assessment and report is based on the Big Five Aspects Scale, the scientific model that describes your personality through the (Big Five) factors and each of their two aspects. Your resulting report will give you a comprehensive description of the factors and aspects of your own personality. You will learn how these aspects of your personality influence how you act towards and react against the various people and situations you find yourself dealing with every day.

Dr. Peterson’s Self Authoring Suite
Explore your inner world and gain deep insights with the Dr.Petersons Self Authoring Suite. This comprehensive suite of tools helps you uncover your life's narrative, set goals, and enhance self-awareness.

Attachment Style Quiz: 
Discover your attachment style with this insightful quiz based on the award winning book "Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find – and Keep – Love." Understand your relationship tendencies and learn how to create healthier connections.

Meyers Briggs Personality for Dating:
Leverage the power of the Myers-Briggs personality assessment for dating. Find compatibility and understand your dating preferences using SoSynced’s insightful test.

P.S. You can save your results and gauge your personality compatibility with potential partners.

Helen Fisher's Personality Test:

This quiz deep dives into your temperament, helping you understand what makes you tick, especially when it comes to love. It’ll also navigate you towards personality traits of compatible partners and advise you on traits to look for when dating.

Better Help:

Enhance your dating journey and personal growth with Better Help's professional counseling services. Gain valuable insights and support to navigate the complexities of relationships and self-awareness.

Dating Coaches:

Logan Ury
Logan Ury's "Propel" program is your go-to resource for enhancing your dating and relationship skills. It offers a comprehensive guide to understanding yourself better and improving your romantic connections. Gain valuable insights and expert advice from Hinges “Relationship Scientist” to navigate the dating world with confidence.

Matthew Hussey’s Dating Programs for Women

Discover dating wisdom from one of the world's leading experts with Matthew Hussey's dating programs. These programs serve as your personal mentors in love, providing practical tips and strategies to help you attract the right partner and build a fulfilling relationship.

Why are all these quizzes so important?

In our pursuit of love, we often envision finding that one magical person who will swoop in, complete us, and make everything perfect. But here's the real scoop: the most extraordinary love story starts within, with you.

You see, our ability to build wholesome, authentic relationships is intimately linked to our self-perception and emotional well-being. If we battle self-doubt, trauma or insecurity, it becomes incredibly tricky to give and receive love in a healthy, balanced manner. Why? Because we unintentionally burden our relationships with our need for validation or the desire to fill an emotional void. On the flip side, when we practice self-love and self-awareness, we become adept at nurturing and sustaining loving connections because we don't bring unresolved baggage into them.

Now, before you conjure images of narcissism, hang tight. Self-love doesn't mean you spend your days gazing at your reflection. It's about recognizing your inherent value, embracing your unique quirks, and wholeheartedly adoring the remarkable person that is you.

When you truly know your self and your worth, you won't settle for less because you recognize that you're the real deal. You'll attract partners who not only appreciate you but also deeply respect and cherish you. You’ll also know how to spot someone that genuinely compliments your life and shares your core values. The outcome? A loving and nurturing relationship where you can be your unapologetically fabulous self.

So, it's time to step out there and fully embrace the incredible, unique, and utterly lovable YOU. Your future partner is in for an extraordinary surprise!

Dating 101

Where and how does one start the delicate process of finding their person?

Finding the Right One, Not Just Anyone

In a world that often encourages conformity, being unapologetically you has to be one of the most attractive and effective techniques for finding the right partner. When you embrace your true self, you exude a magnetic energy that draws people who appreciate your quirks, passions, and unique individuality. In the realm of dating, this authenticity lays the foundation for connections rooted in genuine compatibility.

Let’s consider Mary and John, an example of a couple with wildly different interests.

Mary, a self-proclaimed city dweller, goes to great lengths to feign a deep love for the outdoors and rock climbing to impress John. But as time passed, the façade wore thin, and the very thought of their hiking and climbing dates became dreadful for Mary.

Finally, she mustered the courage to come clean, and it became blatantly apparent that they weren't as compatible as they believed. Mary and John parted ways, realizing they'd invested time and energy into something that didn't align with their true selves.

The lesson? Authenticity is a must in lasting connections. Trying to be someone you're not only leads to heartache and wasted time. By unapologetically owning yourself, you create an environment where others feel comfortable doing the same.

Dating Green Flags

  • Shared Core Values: Seek a partner who resonates with your fundamental values and principles. Finding someone who shares your outlook on life, family, ethics, and core beliefs lays the groundwork for a love that endures.

  • Respect for Individuality: In a thriving relationship, you honor each other's uniqueness and personal space. Your partner not only encourages but champions your individual pursuits, and the sentiment is mutual.

  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Take note of how disagreements are managed. A partner who's willing to collaboratively tackle issues with maturity and respect demonstrates emotional wisdom.

  • Equality and Partnership: A harmonious relationship is one where both partners share responsibilities and decision-making. It's a true partnership where neither feels overpowered or submissive.

  • Active Interest in Your Life: Someone who genuinely cares about you takes a keen interest in your world, from the minutiae of daily experiences to your loftiest aspirations.

  • Encouragement for Self-Improvement: Your partner is your greatest cheerleader, motivating you to evolve into the finest version of yourself. They applaud your personal growth and revel in your triumphs.

  • Shared Responsibility for Romance: In the realm of romance, a caring partner takes the lead in keeping the flame alive. They actively engage in planning and executing romantic gestures, making both of you feel cherished.

  • Family and Friend Compatibility: Observe how your partner interacts with your friends and family, as well as their own. Compatibility within these social circles can pave the way for a harmonious journey in your relationship.

  • Transparency and Honesty: Trust is forged on a foundation of openness and truthfulness. A partner who shares their life, history, and emotions fosters a profound sense of trust within the relationship.

  • Financial Compatibility: While financial matters may not be the most romantic topic, they are undeniably significant. Green flags include aligning financial goals, spending habits, and transparent communication about finances.

  • Ability to Apologize and Forgive: Perfection doesn't exist in any relationship. A partner who can genuinely apologize when they're wrong and extend forgiveness when you err showcases emotional maturity and resilience.

Dating Red Flags

While dating can feel like an exciting whirlwind of emotions, it's essential to keep your head on and an eye out for red flags in potential partners. Recognizing these early warning signs can save you from heartache down the road. Some common warning signs include:

  • Unresolved Baggage: If your date carries unresolved emotional baggage or past traumas, it can cast a shadow over your budding relationship.

  • Inconsistent Availability: Beware if your date frequently goes MIA with vague excuses. It could hint at commitment issues or a lack of honesty.

  • Excessive Jealousy: Trust is the bedrock of a healthy relationship. If your date exhibits unwarranted jealousy or attempts to control your interactions with others, it's a warning sign.

  • Rapid Intensity: Exercise caution if your date plunges headlong into the relationship, professing love or commitment at a breakneck pace. This might signify emotional instability or manipulation.

  • Constant Criticism: Ongoing criticism or belittling remarks from your date can erode your self-esteem and merits serious attention.

  • Avoidance of Responsibility: Consistently shirking responsibility or playing the blame game indicates a lack of maturity and accountability.

  • Isolation from Loved Ones: Be vigilant if your date tries to isolate you from your friends and family. Healthy relationships celebrate maintaining connections with loved ones and try to gently integrate into your core circle.

  • Refusal to Discuss the Future: If your date dodges conversations about the future of your relationship or dances around commitment, it's a topic worth addressing.

  • Disrespect: Any form of disrespect, whether directed at you, others, or boundaries, should raise red flags.

  • Dishonesty: Honesty is the cornerstone of any meaningful relationship. If your date habitually weaves a web of deceit, it's a sign that should not be overlooked.

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Good Reads

How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

By David Richo and Kathlyn Hendricks

8 Rules of Love

By Jay Shetty

Growing The Flame

So you’ve found someone… now how do you keep building something beautiful?

It’s not sexy yet is an absolutely crucial step. Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship journey, but with the right tools it can be navigated constructively, and even productively. We all bring our unique attachment styles, insecurities, and triggers into the mix, so it's vital to learn how to manage them effectively. Our end goal? To learn how to wrap up arguments as swiftly and peacefully as possible. Here are some techniques to help achieve just that:

  • Keep Your Cool: When disagreements flare up, it's crucial to maintain your composure. Emotional reactions can quickly escalate conflicts.

  • Master the Art of Listening: In the midst of a heated moment, become a masterful listener. Allow your partner to express themselves fully, without interruption. Validate their feelings, and resist the urge to immediately defend your viewpoint, even if it differs.

  • Use "I" Statements: Communicate your feelings and needs using "I" statements. For example, say, "I feel hurt when..." instead of pointing fingers with "You always..."

  • Seek Common Ground: Search for areas of agreement as your starting point. Discovering common ground can pave the way for compromise and faster conflict resolution.

  • Take Breaks: When emotions run high, it's perfectly acceptable to step away from the conversation. Revisit the issue when both of you are calmer and more collected.

  • Empathy: Put yourself in your partner's shoes to gain a deeper understanding of their perspective. Empathy is the bridge to mutual understanding and connection.

  • Problem-Solve Together: Collaborate on finding solutions that satisfy both of you. Learn more about each other's conflict styles and explore ways to reach resolutions more efficiently next time.

Remember when managed wisely, conflicts can actually be opportunities for growth and deeper understanding in a relationship. With patience, empathy, and effective communication, you can not only resolve disagreements but also fortify your connection. And if you're looking to dive deeper into understanding your unique fighting styles, there are plenty of great resources out there to explore.

Learn Strategies for Healthy Disagreements!

Take this quiz to learn what your fighting style is and see how it might be affecting your relationship.

Check out this article to learn more about how to “fight better” and different conflict styles.

Find the balance between “Me-Time” and “We-Time” 

Finding the right balance between independence and togetherness is a delicate dance in any relationship. It might take a bit of trial and error, but achieving this equilibrium is essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

Independence is your ticket to preserving individuality, pursuing personal goals, and nurturing self-esteem. It's the fuel for personal growth and self-discovery. On the flip side, togetherness is what strengthens emotional bonds, fosters intimacy, and creates those shared experiences that hold your relationship together.

So, how do you make it work? Well, it all boils down to open communication. Talk about your needs for alone time and quality time together, respect each other's boundaries and don’t take things personal. Remember that we all have different personality types and needs, and that this balance can shift as your relationship evolves. Being adaptable and willing to adjust is key.

Pursue Intimacy Beyond the Bedroom

While sexy time is important, it’s the emotional intimacy that binds couples together for the long run. Here’s some tips on how to nurture those emotional connections:

  • Heart-to-Heart Convos: It may sound cliché, but open and honest communication is the cornerstone. Share your thoughts, dreams, and yes, even your fears. Vulnerability is a potent tool for connection.

  • Quality Over Quantity: It's not merely about spending time together; it's about making it count. Set aside distractions and wholeheartedly focus on each other. You'd be surprised at the depth of connection this can foster.

  • Cheer Each Other On: Be each other's greatest champions. Support your partner's goals and aspirations through thick and thin. Always stand by their side, whether in good or challenging times- especially in front of others.

  • Create Cherished Moments: Think of those little routines or traditions unique to your relationship. They cultivate a sense of intimacy and belonging. These can be as simple as sharing a morning cup of tea, tuning in to a weekly music show, or embarking on an annual camping trip.

  • Express Gratitude: Show your appreciation regularly. A sincere "thank you" can be a powerful motivator for your partner to continue doing the little things you cherish.

  • Celebrate Together: Whether it's a major milestone or a minor triumph, celebrate them all. Any reason to pause and express gratitude together contributes to a stronger bond.

Remember, emotional intimacy is an art that matures over time. It demands effort and attention, but the rewards are immeasurable in creating a loving and enduring relationship.

Keep That Flame Growing 🖤

Alright, let's have a candid chat about a subject that's close to many hearts: how to keep that spark alive in long-term relationships. While it may take some effort to maintain the excitement, intimacy, and connection in a lasting relationship, there are plenty of fun ways to add that sizzle, and trust us, it's entirely worth it!

  • Adventure Together: To reignite the thrill of discovery, dive into new adventures. Sign up for a jiu-jitsu class, book a thrilling rafting trip, or try your hand at ceramics. It's all about adding excitement to your shared calendar.

  • Romantic Getaways: Prioritize regular romantic getaways or staycations to break free from routine and craft new romantic memories together.

  • Create a Memory Book: Build a memory book or scrapbook filled with cherished photos, keepsakes, and heartfelt notes from your journey together. It's a touching way to reminisce about your adventures.

  • Keep Date Nights Sacred: Ensure that regular date nights remain a non-negotiable. Busy lives can easily take over, but remember, these romantic moments won't create themselves. Take turns planning surprise date nights to infuse unexpected adventures into your relationship.

  • Explore New Hobbies: Dive into new hobbies together, whether it's mastering a new sport, dance style, or cooking technique. It's an exhilarating way to bond and establish a fun, shared hobby.

  • Thoughtful Gestures: Keep the spark alive by surprising each other with thoughtful gestures and acts of love. It's the little things that count.

  • Culinary Adventures: Spend quality time together in the kitchen, experimenting with new recipes or creating your own signature dishes. Cooking up a storm can be a delightful shared experience.

  • Dream Together: Engage in regular conversations about your dreams, goals, and aspirations, both as individuals and as a couple. Supporting each other's ambitions and dreams is a beautiful way to deepen your connection.

  • Quality Weekly Time: In today's fast-paced world, quality time is a valuable commodity. Make it a weekly habit to be fully present with your partner, free from distractions.

  • Nostalgia Trip: Take a journey down memory lane to revisit the early days of your relationship. Reconnect with the places you used to go and the activities you enjoyed.

  • Daily Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of expressing gratitude for each other every day. Leave notes, send heartfelt texts, or simply whisper "I love you" often.

  • Bedroom Adventures: Keep the fire alive by exploring new experiences in the bedroom. Visit local lingerie and adult stores for tantalizing accessories, book an intimate hotel stay, or exchange spicy messages.

  • Never Stop Dating: Emphasize this point – never stop dating. Don't ever take your partner for granted, and continuously find new ways to court, love, and pamper each other.

Remember, passion in a relationship has its seasons, with ebbs and flows. Don't be too hard on yourselves if you're experiencing a dry spell; instead, make a conscious effort to add romance. There are countless opportunities to rekindle the flame with only a little adjustment. Deliberate effort, communication, and a commitment to nurturing your connection will go a long way.

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